1.1.4 Notes
Nov 14, 2014
Update 1.1.4 is likely the last in this flurry of rapid-fire updates related to releasing Vainglory across the world. This update largely adds the infrastructure necessary to launch in North America, South America, Middle East and Africa on Nov. 18. It does, however also add Taka’s overdrives (the extra benefit you get from maxing out an ability), along with a few Taka and Adagio balance changes.
Important note: For some iPhone users, the in-game update process may not work automatically and you may see an error message stating, “This App is not available for iPhone.” If this happens, go to the Apple App Store, search for Vainglory for iPhone and update the game from there. The update will proceed normally. Apologies for the inconvenience. We will address this in the next update.
Once the game is live worldwide, you can look forward to future updates with more heroes, more player-requested features and other fun stuff. We’re almost across the finish line. Just one more scheduled launch rollout on Nov. 18! Thanks for coming along for the ride. —PlayoffBeard

We added overdrive bonuses to Taka’s abilities, which means making some compensating nerfs to areas where he was already too strong.
Lifesteal from critical strikes reduced from 70% to 30%
“We want to help Taka become a little more item-dependent. This change deliberately reduces his sustain, gives him an incentive to actually purchase Halcyon Potions and ensures that recovery after a teamfight—or even during a teamfight—isn’t a simple snap of the fingers.” —CaptainNeato

New overdrive (all five ability points): Gains 35 damage and its energy cost is reduced to zero.
“Many Taka players feel compelled to purchase an Energy Battery or a Void Battery even when focusing on a weapon build. This overdrive allows Taka to sell that energy item mid-match and recoup a precious item slot. That extra weapon or defense item can make a huge difference in the late game.” —CaptainNeato
New overdrive: Kaku also heals for 1% of max health per second while invisible.
Speed boost changed from 1.00 / 1.25 / 1.5 / 1.75 / 2.00 to 1.25 at all levels.
Cooldown starts counting down at the end of invisibility instead of the beginning.
Fixed a bug causing Kaku to not trigger consistently.
“The cooldown change prevents a Taka from being permanently invisible when building cooldown acceleration.” —CaptainNeato
Reduced from 72 – 158 to 62 – 125
“Taka’s jungle clear was too fast, and this reduction complements his Heroic Perk change. We’ll be watching this closely to ensure it has the intended effect, and we’ll make further adjustments as needed.” —CaptianNeato
For more thoughts from CaptainNeato on these Taka balance changes, check out this forums conversation.
You can’t be wrathful all the time.
Cooldown increased from 10 / 9.5 / 9 / 8.5 / 8 to 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10.
Duration decreased from 8 to 6 seconds.
“Adagio was able to maintain 100% uptime on Agent of Wrath even without building any cooldown, making a self-buffing Adagio in many ways better than many auto-attack carries. We want to keep this ability strong, but create a time window during which Adagio would be weak.” —SurpriseBirthday
Thanks to all the new players who are already sharing their thoughts, suggestions feature requests in the forums. Please keep it up! We’re so excited you can now play, and we think you’ll be pretty excited about what we’re cooking up for future updates. Much more to come! Cheers.
Last updated