
Stealthy assassin who can heal while invisible.

Heroic Perk: House Kamuha

When Taka uses an ability or lands a Mortal Strike, he gains a stack of Ki.

  • Every 5s, Taka's next basic attack is replaced with a Mortal Strike. Mortal Strikes deal 40 (+35% of weapon power) bonus damage & grant Taka +2 move speed for 2s.

  • Ki speeds up Taka's Mortal Strike timer & grants 25% cooldown speed (max 5 Ki stacks).

Stats - Level 1-12

  • Health: 702 - 2287

  • Energy: 180 - 422

  • Armor: 20 - 60

  • Shield: 20 - 60

  • Weapon: 68 - 125

  • Atk Speed: 100% - 136.3%

  • Range: 2

  • Move Speed: 3.4

Ability A: Kaiten

Taka flips over his target, cutting it with his switchblade. Taka is invulnerable to damage & negetive effects while in mid-air.

Ability B: Kaku

Taka throws a smoke bomb at his feet & becomes invisible. While stealthed, Taka moves faster & heals himself.

  • Invisibility ends early if he strikes a target or takes direct damage.

  • Turrets, Scout Traps & Flare Guns can still see Taka while he is invisible.

Ultimate: X-Retsu

Taka bursts through his target for massive damage & gains Ki stacks. The target suffers a mortal wound (reduced healing) & takes damage per second for the next 3s. The wound's duration is refreshed whenever Taka Mortal Strikes this target.


  • Taka in Japanese can be translated to "Hawk".

  • Taka abilities are in Japanese and they can be translated as these: (Kaiten)【回転】: Spinning Move (Kaku) 【】: To Hide (X-Retsu) 【エックス-列】: X-Violence

Last updated