
Team healer & damage enhancer with a large area stun. A medium difficulty hero.

Heroic Perk: Arcane Renewal

Whenever enemies burning with Arcane Fire take damage from any source, Adagio regenerates 25% of that damage as energy.

Stats - Level 1-12

  • Health: 685 - 2308

  • Energy: 400 - 785

  • Armor: 20 - 50

  • Shield: 20 - 50

  • Weapon: 75 - 117

  • Atk Speed: 100% - 122%

  • Range: 6.6

  • Move Speed: 3.2

Ability A: Gift of Fire

Heals target ally, then splashes Arcane Fire onto nearby enemies. If Adagio heals himself, he'll also apply a heavy slow to nearby enemies.

Arcane Fire (status effect):

Burns the target every second & causes Adagio's other abilities to deal more damage.

  • Burst heals the target instantly, followed by a gradual heal over the next few seconds.

  • Burst Heal is increased by 12% of Adagio's bonus health.

  • When cast on self, slows nearby enemies by 70% for 0.7s.

  • Resets basic-attack cooldown on activation.

Ability B: Agent of Wrath

Temporarily boosts an allied hero's next several basic attacks for 6s.

  • Deals bonus damage to enemies afflicted by Arcane Fire.

  • Bonus damage is increased if Adagio casts this spell on himself.

  • Resets basic-attack cooldown on activation.

Ultimate: Verse of Judgement

Adagio channels for 2s then deals heavy damage to all enemies in a wide ring around him. Enemies burning with Arcane Fire are also stunned.

  • Adagio temporarily gains fortified health while channeling.

Last updated