
Nimble assassin who unlocks melee or ranged fighting styles.

Heroic Perk: Divergent Paths

Idris unlocks unique combat styles upon attaining 100 weapon or crystal power:

Melee (Weapon)

Idris's Shroudstep becomes an instantaneous blink. His basic attack also restore 10 stamina & reduce the cooldowns of his Shroudstep & Shimmer Strike abilities by 1s.

Ranged (Crystal)

Idris gains a 3.6 meter ranged attack with 100% crystal ratio but only 50% weapon ratio.

Instead of energy, Idris uses stamina to activate his abilities. Purchasing items with energy & energy recharge increases his stamina & stamina regeneration.

  • Max Stamina: 100 + 10% Max Energy

  • Stamina Regen: 7.5 + 50% Energy Regen

Stats Lvl 1-12

  • Health: 697 - 2257

  • Energy: 0

  • Armor: 20 - 50

  • Shield: 20 - 50

  • Weapon: 77 - 161

  • Atk Speed: 100% - 136.3%

  • Range: 2.4

  • Move Speed: 3.2

Ability A: Shroudstep

Idris dashes in the target direction, dealing amplified damage to the next target he attacks within 4s.

  • If Idris has not taken damage within the last 4.5s, Shroudstep grants a 3.5s barrier.

  • The availability of the barrier is displayed beneath his stamina meter.

Ability B: Chakram

Idris throws a chakram that returns to him, damaging enemies each time it passes over them.

  • Hitting enemy heroes, miners or Kraken recovers 15 stamina.

  • Idris can time his Shroudstep & Shimmer Strike abilities to temporarily keep his chakrams in the air longer.

  • Deals 50% less damage to minions.

Ultimate: Shimmer Strike

Idris disappears into the target hero becoming invulnerable, untargetable & cleanses movement-impairing effects from himself. While attached, tap to make Idris leap out in desired direction, striking all surrounding enemies with weapon damage as he jumps off.

  • If no direction is chosen, Idris will jump toward his original position.

  • Can latch onto enemies for 1.2s or allies for 2.8s.

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