
Mid-range mage who inflicts fear on foes.

Heroic Perk: Reap

Baptiste steals soul fragments through combat & is healed for each soul fragment acquired.

  • Upon reaching 4 soul fragments, Baptiste is empowered for 4s & deals increased damage but generates no additional soul fragments.

  • Basic attacks generate one soul fragment.

  • Abilities generate one soul fragment for each enemy hero hit.

  • Heal per soul fragment: 20 - 86 (level 1-12)(+25% of crystal power)

  • Empowered effects: +35% basic-attack damage & +100% ability damage.

Stats Lvl 1-12

  • Health: 739 - 2323

  • Energy: 273 - 636

  • Armor: 20 - 60

  • Shield: 20 - 60

  • Weapon: 78 - 167

  • Atk Speed: 100% - 136.3%

  • Range: 2.8

  • Move Speed: 3.4

Ability A: Bad Mojo

Baptiste pulls a vial of liquid from his vest & throws it. The vial explodes upon reaching its target or when colliding with an enemy.

  • Enemies near the explosion take damage & the first enemy hit is slowed.

  • Deals 50% less damage to minions.

Ability B: Ordained

Baptiste ordains a target enemy, damaging them & creating an ethereal prison around them. If the ordained target leaves the area, they are stunned & take additional damage.

Ultimate: Fearsome Shade

Baptiste summons waves of shade that terrorize enemies caught in their path. Enemies struck by the shade run from the source in fear & take damage each second.

  • Deals 50% less damage to minions.

Last updated