
Healer & zone mage who can create teleportation portals.

Heroic Perk: Principle Arcanum

Lyra's attacks are arcane missiles that deal crystal damage. If she holds her ground after releasing an attack, she automatically follows up with a heavy attack that also slows the target.

  • Each channeled missile consumes 15-20 (level 1-12) energy, by Lyra can continue using these even if she runs out of energy.

  • Light attack damage: 50-85 (level 1-12) (+60% crystal power).

  • Heavy attack damage: 60-170 (level 1-12) (+70% crystal damage).

  • Heavy attack slow: 35% (+0.02% of bonus max health).

Stats Lvl 1-12

  • Health: 674 - 2153

  • Energy: 248 - 908

  • Armor: 20 - 50

  • Shield: 20 - 50

  • Weapon: 10

  • Atk Speed: 100% - 136.3%

  • Range: 5.6

  • Move Speed: 3.3

Ability A: Imperial Sigil

Lyra creates a sigil that heals nearby allied heroes & damages nearby enemy heroes. Reactivate this ability to detonate the sigil, dealing heavy damage to enemies while providing a move speed boost to allies inside & immediately consuming the remaining duration to heal at 50% effectiveness.

  • The healing per second is increased by 11% of Lyra's bonus health.

  • The sigil depletes faster the more heroes it is healing/damaging.

  • The sigil has vision, so it can see enemies.

  • The Detonation deals 50% less damage to minions.

Ability B: Bright Bulwark

Lyra creates a walled zone around her, damaging & applying a slow to surrounding enemies.

  • Enemies inside the zone are slowed & snared, preventing them from using movement abilities.

  • Enemies attempting to dash into the area are blocked by the wall.

  • Enemies who cross the wall take the same damage & slow again.

Ultimate: Arcane Passage

Lyra teleports to the target location, creating portals at both ends that allow anyone to teleport across.

  • Portals last for 8.5s.

  • After travelling through a portal, heroes must wait 4.5s before re-entering one.

  • Enemies inside of Lyra's Bright Bulwark cannot enter a portal.

  • Heroes standing directly on top of a portal as it forms must step off the portal then re-enter to use it.

Last updated