
Spits long-range fireballs & incinerates entire teams.

Heroic Perk: Fan the Flames

Skaarf's abilities burn targets & his basic attacks deal bonus crystal damage to burning targets.

  • Burn: 8 damage per second for 4s.

  • Basic attacks: 2% (+2% of crystal power) of the target's max health as crystal damage.

  • This damage can crit for 2x.

  • Deals reduced damage to Kraken & structures.

Stats - Level 1-12

  • Health: 638 - 2112

  • Energy: 200 - 464

  • Armor: 20 - 50

  • Shield: 20 - 50

  • Weapon: 80 - 154

  • Atk Speed: 100% - 122%

  • Range: 5.5

  • Move Speed: 3.3

Ability A: Spitfire

Skaarf spits a fireball that collides with the first hero, structure or boss monster it hits.

  • The fireball damages & passes through smaller minions.

  • Each time it passes through a unit, its damage is reduced to 85% of before.

  • Deals 50% less damage to minions.

Ability B: Goop

Skaarf hurls a goop puddle onto the target location. Enemies walking through the sticky substance are slowed. Any of skaarf's flames will ignite the puddle, dealing burst damage & burning enemies over time.

  • A flaming puddle does not slow enemies as much as a goop puddle.

  • Deal half damage to minions & Kraken.

Ultimate: Dragon's Breath

Skaarf inhales for 1.5s, then exhales a huge cone of flames for 3s. Skaarf may move freely while spewing fire.

  • Skaarf gains a quick burst of move speed when exhaling.

  • While inhaling or exhaling, enemies moving against the current are slowed while allies moving with it are sped up.

  • Skaarf temporarily gains fortified health while channling.

  • Deals 50% damage to non-heroes.

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