
Heavily armored mech rider with a powerful energy beam.

Heroic Perk: Heavy Plating

Joule has bonus armor & shield against damage that hits her on the front & sides, but not her back.

  • Bonus defense: 15-90 (level 1-12)

Stats Lvl 1-12

  • Health: 742 - 2487

  • Energy: 390 - 555

  • Armor: 20 - 50

  • Shield: 20 - 50

  • Weapon: 66 - 148

  • Atk Speed: 100% - 113.2%

  • Range: 2.4

  • Move Speed: 3.4

Ability A: Rocket Leap

Joule leaps to the target location. Enemies caught underneath Joule take full damage & are stunned, while enemies near the impact are knocked away & take 33% damage.

Ability B: Thunder Strike

Joule's mech fires an energy bolt directly in front of her. If this strikes an enemy, the next Thunder Strike will have bonus armor & shield pierce.

  • Overdrive: At max rank, weapon damage can critically strike.

  • Cooldown speed improves with attack speed.

  • Deals 50% less damage to minions.

Ultimate: Big Red Button

Joule fires a massive beam of energy for 1.5s.

  • The force of this beam pushes Joule backward during channeling.

  • Deals 50% less damage to structures.

Last updated