
Durable berserker who excels in thick of fights.

Heroic Perk: Berserkers' Fury

Rona attacks faster than most heroes, but she deals 85% damage with each attack.

Rona's abilities use Bloodrage instead of energy, a unique resource that is generated from basic attacks, abilites & taking damage from enemies.

  • Critical strikes & basic attacks against against targets afflicted by Mortal Wounds will generate additional Bloodrage.

  • This caps at 100 & decays when Rona has been out of combat for 5s.

Stats - Level 1-12

  • Health: 778 - 2563

  • Energy: 0

  • Armor: 20 - 60

  • Shield: 20 - 60

  • Weapon: 88 - 156

  • Atk Speed: 100% - 113.2%

  • Range: 1.8

  • Move Speed: 3.3

Ability A: Into the Fray

Rona leaps into battle, gaining Bloodrage for each enemy hero she collides with. After a short delay, the ground ruptures for 3s, dealing damage & slowing enemies who pass over it by 35%.

  • Rona is additionally granted fortified health for each enemy hero struck by the rupture.

  • Deals 50% less damage to minions.

Ability B: Foesplitter

A two-part axe attack that can catch up to - then brutalize - an unsuspecting target.

  • First activation: Rona lunges at her target, landing an empowered basic attack & granting her increased move speed & Bloodrage.

  • Second activation: Expend the bonus move speed & all of her Bloodrage to deal 1% bonus damage for each point consumed & apply Mortal Wounds to her target. She is then temporarily granted additional attack speed.

  • Each of Rona's basic attacks reduce Foesplitter's cooldown by 1s.

Ultimate: Red Mist

Rona drains her Bloodrage & spins in a whirlwind, dealing weapon damage to nearby enemies. While spinning, Rona moves slower & gains fortified health for each second.

  • Can be cancelled at any time by reactivating it or using another ability.

  • Requires at least 25 Bloodrage to activate.

  • Deals 50% less damage to minions.

Last updated