
Versatile, elusive mech pilot who can flank enemies from any angle.

Heroic Perk: Target Lock

Skye's basic attacks apply Target Lock to the last target.

  • Basic attacks & Forward Barrage on that locked target grant her up to +2 move speed for 1.2s, but this boost is much weaker while moving backward.

  • Target Lock lasts 3s & is lost when the target is more than 8.5 meters away.

Stats - Level 1-12

  • Health: 668 - 2060

  • Energy: 380 - 732

  • Armor: 20 - 50

  • Shield: 20 - 50

  • Weapon: 72 - 111

  • Atk Speed: 100% - 136.3%

  • Range: 5.5

  • Move Speed: 3.1

Ability A: Forward Barrage

Skye fires a continuous stream of bullets while strafing in the selected direction for 3s. Building weapon power makes the barrage slow approaching enemies by up to 40%

  • Reactivate this ability to stop firing.

  • Deals bonus damage to locked target.

  • Deals 50% less damage to structures & bosses.

Ability B: Suri Strike

Skye dashes to a chosen location around her locked target while firing a volley of missiles along a line between her & her target.

  • Multiple missiles can hit the same target, but subsequent hits deal 20% damage.

  • This ability can only be activated when Skye has a locked target.

  • Activating this ability resets a portion of the cooldown on Forward Barrage.

Passive: Each ability point in Suri Strike increases the duration of Target Lock.

  • Deals 50% less damage to minions.

Ultimate: Death from Above

Skye fires a salvo of missiles at a chosen location around her locked target. After a 1.3s delay, the missiles rain down on that location, stunning enemies for 0.5s. Enemies still in the area afterward are slowed & take crystal damage.

  • Aiming directly on your locked target rains down the missiles in a cluster.

  • Aiming away from your locked target rains them down in a line across the target's path.

  • This ability can only be activated when Skye has a locked target.

  • Deals 50% less damage to structures & bosses.

Passive: Each ability point in Death from Above increases the range of Target Lock.

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