
A disruptor who throws multiple skillshot hooks, chaining victims to him.

Heroic Per: Futility of Life

  • Whenever chained victims take damage from any source, Churnwalker regenerates 18% of that damage as health.

  • Whenever any chained victim takes damage, 30% of that damage is conferred on all other chained victims.

Stats Lvl 1-12

  • Health: 863 - 2749

  • Energy: 380 - 732

  • Armor: 20 - 70

  • Shield: 20 - 70

  • Weapon: 80 - 165

  • Atk Speed: 100% - 122%

  • Range: 1.7

  • Move Speed: 3.1

Ability A: Hook & Chain

Churnwalker throws a skillshot hook that damages on impact, briefly slows & chains victims to him.

  • Chained heroes take damage over time.

  • If a chained victim can get far away enough, the chain will break.

  • Landing a hook will reset this ability's cooldown. (Chained victims cannot be hit by a hook.)

  • Overdrive: Increases the max range of the hook & the chain's damage over time.

Ability B: Torment

Torment yanks all chained victims toward Churnwalker a fixed distance, damaging them.

  • Overdrive: Yanks victims closer to Churnwalker.

Ultimate: Trespass

Churnwalker channels churn power for a short time, then travels to the target location, stunning all chained victims & breaking all chains.

  • Churnwalker can only target a location near a chained victim.

  • Leveling this ability increases its stun duration & lowers its cooldown.

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