
Disruptive knight who stops enemies in their tracks.

Heroic Perk: Partisan's Technique

Lance's basic attacks damage every target along their path. However, his attacks are slow to land & attack speed is less effective on him.

Instead of energy, Lance uses stamina to activate his abilities. Purchasing items with energy & energy recharge increases his stamina & stamina regeneraion.

  • Max Stamina: 100 + 20% Max Energy

  • Stamina Regen: 15 + 50% Energy Regen

Stats Lvl 1-12

  • Health: 742 - 2487

  • Energy: 0

  • Armor: 20 - 70

  • Shield: 20 - 70

  • Weapon: 85 - 178

  • Atk Speed: 100%

  • Range: 4.5

  • Move Speed: 3.3

Ability A: Impale

Lance lunges forward & strikes through his opponents, dealing weapon damage & rooting them in place (max 1.6s).

  • Overdrive: At max rank, this ability also resets the cooldown of Combat Roll if Lance hits his enemy.

  • If this attack hits at least one enemy, Lance will immediately recover from the ability.

  • Deals 50% less damage to minions.

Ability B: Gythian Wall

Lance smashes enemies back with his shield, dealing weapon damage & also stunning them if they collide with a wall or structure (max 1.4s). Afterward, he holds his shield steadfast, greatly reducing incoming damage from the target direction by up to 90%.

  • Overdrive: At max rank, Lance ignores all negative effects (from any direction) while this ability is active.

  • Damage reduction is 50% effective against turrets.

  • Passive: Lance strafes around the enemy he has most recently attacked. While strafing, he reduces damage from the target's direction by up to 50%.

Ultimate: Combat Roll

Lance rolls in the target direction. His next basic attack within 2s will strike quickly, dealing bonus crystal damage.

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