
Fast-moving, fast-shooting gunslinger with an epic fireball.

Heroic Perk: Double Down

Ringo's next basic attack after killing anything will be a critical strike.

Stats - Level 1-12

  • Health: 673 - 2077

  • Energy: 163 - 416

  • Armor: 20 - 50

  • Shield: 20 - 50

  • Weapon: 71 - 130

  • Atk Speed: 100% - 136.3%

  • Range: 6.2

  • Move Speed: 3.1

Ability A: Achilles Shot

Ringo fires a trick shot at his target's heel (or whatever lower extremity exists), slowing the target & dealing damage.

Ability B: Twirling Silver

Ringo slings bullets at his target in a mad flurry, dramatically increasing his attack speed & move speed for a duration.

  • Activating this ability resets Ringo's basic-attack cooldown.

Ultimate: Hellfire Brew

Ringo takes a long swig from his gourd, then spits out a scorching fireball at his target. The explosion deals slash damage on impact & sets the target on fire, burning it & nearby enemies for 7s.

  • The fire pierces all shield on impact.

Last updated