
Dark zone-control mage who can put enemies to sleep.

Heroic Perk: Corrupted Genius

Every 6s, Samuel's next basic attack fires a bolt of dark power that deals bonus crystal damage & draws health & energy back to Samuel.

  • Crystal damage: 50-160 (level 1-12)

  • Healing: 50-200 (level 1-12) health

  • Recharge: 50-200 (level 1-12) energy

  • The restorative powers are only 25% as effective against non-heroes.

Stats - Level 1-12

  • Health: 652 - 2040

  • Energy: 290 - 620

  • Armor: 20 - 50

  • Shield: 20 - 50

  • Weapon: 78 - 148

  • Atk Speed: 100% - 129.7%

  • Range: 6

  • Move Speed: 3.2

Ability A: Malice & Verdict

Samuel fires two bolts from his wands at a target location, impacting the first enemy hit. Samuel can move between the shots.

If Samuel is standing inside the energy field from Drifting Dark, these bolts move faster, travel farther & deal additional are damage. In addition, the cooldown is significantly reduced.

  • Empowered shots deal 50% less damage to minions.

Ability B: Drifting Dark

Samuel creates a large field of darkness that slowly drifts forward, damaging enemies who stand inside it. If Samuel also stands inside, Malice & Verdict is greatly empowered & he heals for a small amount for each affected target.

  • The field will disappear if Samuel moves more than 16 meters away from it.

  • Deals 50% less damage to minions.

Ultimate: Oblivion

After a short delay, Samuel summons a phantasm at the target location, which puts nearby enemies to sleep. Enemies inflicted are unable to move or act.

  • Dealing direct damage to a sleeping enemy with an attack or ability will wake them up.

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