
The king of duels with massive lifesteal & self-healing.

Heroic Perk: Shadows Empower Me

Krul is empowered by the shadows after standing still in brush for 1.5s. While empowered, Krul briefly gains 2 move speed & his basic attack will slow his target by 40% for 2.5s.

Stats Lvl 1-12

  • Health: 748 - 2394

  • Energy: 220 - 506

  • Armor: 20 - 60

  • Shield: 20 - 60

  • Weapon: 77 - 147

  • Atk Speed: 100% - 136.3%

  • Range: 1.5

  • Move Speed: 3.4

Ability A: Dead Man's Rush

Krul dashes to the target & deals damage.

Activating Dead Man's Rush grants Krul a temporary health barrier.

  • This ability triggers basic-attack effects.

Ability B: Spectral Smite

Krul detonates the Weakness stacks built up on a single target, regaining health based on the number of stacks consumed.

  • Passive: Basic attacks & abilities apply Weakness on the enemy (up to 8 stacks). Each stack reduces the target's damage by 6.2% & increases Krul's lifesteal against the victim.

Ultimate: From Hell's Heart

Krul pulls Hellrazor from his chest & hurls it in the targeted direction. The sword will boomarang back to Krul. If the sword hits an enemy hero, it deals damage & stuns, then slows the target.

Damage & stun duration scales with the distance the sword travelled before hitting the target:

  • 50% at point-blank range

  • 100% at max range

  • 150% at 'boomerang' range

Last updated