
A fast, devastating fire mage with a demon netherform.

Heroic Perk: Firestarter

Scorcher & Netherform Detonator apply Firestarter to enemy targets.

  • Reza's basic attack consume Firestarter, dealing crystal damage.

  • Crystal Damage: 20-185 (level 1-12) (+120% crystal power).

Stats - Level 1-12

  • Health: 718 - 2306

  • Energy: 380 - 732

  • Armor: 20 - 60

  • Shield: 20 - 60

  • Weapon: 84 - 154

  • Atk Speed: 100% - 125%

  • Range: 3

  • Move Speed: 3.5

Ability A: Scorcher

Reza smashes the ground, creating a fiery shockwave in front of him. This deals crystal damage to anything it passes through & collides with the first enemy hero or jungle monster hit.

  • Scorcher applies Firestarter on impact.

  • Deals 50% less damage to minions.

Ability B: Troublemaker

Reza dashes to the target location, dealing crystal damage to enemies he passes through.

  • Reza's next basic attack deals bonus crystal damage.

  • This ability has 2 charges.

Ultimate: Netherform Detonator

Reza vanishes removing from himself any negative movement-impairing effects, then reappears at the target location in empowered demon form.

  • Upom reappearing, he unleashes a blazing explosion, damaging enemies & consuming Firestarter within the target radius.

  • Reza then applies Firestarter to all enemies nearby.

  • Each basic attack now applies Firestarter on enemies without Firestarter on them.

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