
A hungry beast who can swallow a hero whole.

Heroic Perk: Living Armor

Each stack of Living Armor reduces incoming damage by 5%.

  • Grumpjaw gains a stack every 3s & every time he basic attacks.

  • While under attack, he loses a stack every 1s.

  • Max 5 stacks.

Stats Lvl 1-12

  • Health: 783 - 2592

  • Energy: 234 - 465

  • Armor: 20 - 60

  • Shield: 20 - 60

  • Weapon: 74 - 158

  • Atk Speed: 100% - 113.2%

  • Range: 2.6

  • Move Speed: 3.4

Ability A: Grumpy

Grumpjaw charges forward & slashes the area in front of him, damaging & slowing enemies he hits.

  • Deals bonus damage for each stack of Living Armor Grumpjaw has.

Ability B: Hangry

Grumpjaw leaps toward his target & attacks it. Afterward, he gains bonus weapon damage & attack speed for several seconds.

Ultimate: Stuffed

Grumpjaw lunges forward, devouring the first enemy hero on his path. While inside Grumpjaw's belly, enemies cannot move, act or see. After 3s, Grumpjaw will spit the enemy out in front of him.

  • Reactivate this ability to spit the enemy out early.

  • If Grumpjaw is stunned, killed or otherwise interrupted while eating, he will release his victim early.

Last updated