
Swift swordmaster who can easily maneuver through the battlefield.

Heroic Perk: Immovable Mind

After striking enemy heroes or jungle monsters 3 times, Kensei's next basic attack deals 25% bonus damage and grants a burst of barrier.

  • Bonus Barrier: 30-140 (level 1-12)

  • Bonus Barrier: (Heroes): Target max health * 0.05% of bonus weapon power

Additionally, Kensei's basic attacks deals increased damage to heroes with higher health.

  • Attack Damage: 40% of weapon power + (Target max health * 0.03% of bonus weapon power.

Stats Lvl 1-12

  • Health: 761 - 2493

  • Energy: 280 - 643

  • Armor: 20 - 60

  • Shield: 20 - 60

  • Weapon: 86 - 163

  • Atk Speed: 100% - 136.3%

  • Range: 3.5

  • Move Speed: 3.5

Ability A: Lotus Strike

Kensei rushes forward, swinging his blade and dealing basic attack damage in an arc in front of him.

  • This ability can be reactivated two additional times within 5s.

Ability B: Kensho

Kensei strikes his target and leaps backward, entering Kensho Stance and generating fortified health for the duration.

Kensho Stance:

The next Lotus Strike or Path of the Ronin gain a powerful bonus effect when activated within 2.5s of cancelling this stance.

  • Lotus Strike travels farther and slows enemies hit.

  • Path of the Ronin stuns enemies hit.

  • Stance is cancelled automatically upon movement, attacking or using any ability.

Ultimate: Path of the Ronin

Kensei readies himself before quickly rushing forward, dealing basic attack plus bonus damage to all enemies in his wake.

Last updated